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This service is focussed on Windows operating systems.

The service is not an unlimited fix all service, but is a standardised service focussed to do the following using standardised tools:

Hard Drive Health Check

Temperature Check

Battery health check on laptops

Memory health check

Virus and Malware Scan and repair

Hard Drive Space Optimisation

Privacy Enhancement

Although the service will in more than 80% of cases directly result in a faster user experience, it is not a guaranteed result.

The report is focus on the outputs of the health check and tune-up actions and will provide recommendations on further enhancements. We Sell Laptops will quote on any additional interventions needed.

The session is limited to 45minutes.

During the 45 minutes the customer must be available to assist where required with actions such as reboots.

Data backup and restoration is the sole responsibility of the customer. Although all reasonable care is taken during the service, We Sell Laptops will not be liable for any data loss.

Additional time spent on the service because of delays on the customer’s side will be billed at R499 per hour or part of hour.